To Reach Us...603-887-8550

To Reach Us...603-887-8550
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Thursday, December 20, 2018


Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All My Knitting and Crocheting and Spinning and Weaving and Stitchery Friends!

Here's Hoping all your Holidays are Wonderful and We are All starting off Our New Year with Awesome Intentions. No Resolutions from this Lady...Live Life to it's Fullest, Be Kind and Don't Rock the Boat...Too Much!!

A Knitter's Garden will be offering one Group Class in January and February.
    January...A Toe Up Class has been requested by a few. Class will be 3 - One Hour sessions on 3 Consecutive Wednesday, Jan 9,16 and 23, Afternoons from 1pm to 2pm. Total Class Cost is $45, $15 for each class plus supplies. Your choice of Sox or DK Weight Yarn...The class is more for the Toe Up Technique rather than a Sox Making lesson, but it can, of course, be for both. Available for purchase and discussion is the Flexi-Flip Needles by Skacel and the Traditional 4 Double Pointed Needle Method. I do not use the Magic Loop Method... Have not had great success with that technique...My Fault I am sure!

  So, Give a call, 603-887-8550... Sign Up and Let's Get Started....

Stay Tuned for the February Class Info...


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