To Reach Us...603-887-8550

To Reach Us...603-887-8550
Josie,Luke,Angus and Harriet, Scroll to end to see INTERIOR SHOP PICS Also, Click on Pics and they Enlarge...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Scarecrow Contest...

Hi All...I was just approached to enter the "Chester Scarecrow Contest" Putting my thinking cap on and coming up with some cool ideas..."She" will be viewable as of October 1st...Winner Chosen on Oct 9th...Won the "Front Door Contest" two years ago...Maybe again???? Y a never know...Stay Tuned...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Guild Resuming....

Great News...Autumn is around the corner and "PURLING PETALS GUILD" is meeting again!! We took a summer break, now it is time to resume the chatter, knitting and socialization we have all missed during these past months.

Hope to see old and new faces beginning Weds, September 1st from 6 to 8...

September 1 st and 15th
October 6th and 20th
November 3rd and 17th
December 1st and 15th Then we'll go from there...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New Ravelry Charity

Hello Everyone...
I have recently discovered a new Charity on Ravelry..."Project Purl"
AND if you haven't joined Ravelry yet...It is Time...there is so much great info about K/C and Kindred Spirits, just like US!!! Just Do It!

Website address is Their Mission is to help the Homeless in Manchester by donating knit/crochet hats, scarves, mittens, sock, personal size health and beauty aids. I love the idea of helping a LOCAL Charity help Locals. I truly feel for needy people of other countries but I think we NEED to take care of our OWN FIRST!!!

I have a basket at the shop for items...I already have 8 hats/mittens and more than a dozen beauty aids with more on their way! My husband is the first to call me CRAZY when I get crazed with a charity, constantly buying things to add to the stash!! But then...He's the first to show how PROUD he is with what I have given or collected and always gives me encouragement to continue!!! That's what I call "Unconditional Support"!!! How lucky am I???

In ending...I know I can continue to count on you too. We have ALWAYS pulled together... I am also collecting your "Unwanted Washable Yarn" for those who want to K/C but do not have the materials. I have two shopping bags already. AND if you NEED yarn to work on this project...Just Ask!! I have plenty to pass around...a great reason to De-Stash!!! My intention...

Makes a body feel so good to help others not as fortunate as ourselves. And NOT to wait for the Holidays to roll around...Someone Always Needs Help!!

Thank You for Your Support....As Ever...Joanne


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