It has been a Wonderful Summer here at AKG. Lots of time to refleck, clean shop, regroup...a much needed reprisal of time. Now, refreshed and Ready to go forward...Here is "Twinkle" knitted into the Squiggle Scarf, pattern free when yarn purchased.

Our Icelandic Charlie Brown's Beautifully Spun and Hand Dyed Yarn. Knitted into a Great Sloochy Hat, Kits Available. Below is a shot of the Yarn Drying in the Sun on my gigantic clothes rack....Love Seeing Hanks of Spun Yarn......

This is a great example of Our Newest Local Yarn from Maine...Done Roving is the company, Great Website. I have written this pattern specifically for this Thick Thin Specially Spun Yarn...Pattern Free w/Purchase of this Yarn.
I must admit, I have not taken any pictures of their Sox Yarn or the Magnificent Scarf I am knitting with it...I want it a bit bigger before I present it...Those who have seen it here at the shop, Can't wait for the class.... October 13th and 20th...Space Limited..2 hour Class $45 plus yarn and needles...5 students Only....Class will be repeated...the following week.
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