Here are three pictures of the Diagonal Sweater we are making together. The pattern is not difficult but it is a challenge...NOT a Bad Thing!!! I have made one, it lives here in the shop. I love wearing it. I made it in 100% Wool...My next was going to be mostly Acrylic for Washability but I fell in love with a bunch of Handspun Alpaca while on our Knitting Retreat last month. It just happened to find it's way home with me!!! Can't wait to start it!!!
Most of the women interested, prefer class in the afternoon, I'm aiming for the middle of May...Either on a Thursday or Friday from 1:00 to 3:00...There is a $20 deposit due at time of registration, followed by $20 for each session, I am planning on four or five weeks, your last session is your deposited $20. The pattern is available for an additional $8.00, either from me or from Ravelry. It can not be viewed otherwise. Designer's rules not mine!! I will give you a list of supplies once you have registered and made your deposit.
I know this is going to be great fun to knit...Like other workshops...There is a Limit of 5 students. Depending upon requests, I may repeat this workshop in the evening as well...What evening...I do not know, there aren't many to choose from!! We'll work on that as it happens!
As always...Questions...Comments...You know how to reach me!!!