You ask...What the heck is NABY...Needles...Accessories...Books...Yarn...
The same week each month, the same group of items are on special...
FIRST WEEK OF EACH MONTH...Needles... when you purchase any in stock needles, you will recieve a 15% discount.
SECOND WEEK OF EACH MONTH...Accessories...All instock accessories, 15% discount.
THIRD WEEK OF EACH MONTH...Books...My books are already discounted but I will deduct an additional 15%.
and lastly...
FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH...Yarn...This is where it gets tricky...NO SPECIALTY YARNS are included in this special. By Specialty Yarns I mean, Handspun (Sarah or Nancy's), Local (Sallie's Fen or Riverslea) or My Flock's Yarn. All other yarns instock will recieve a 15% discount off the retail price of that particular yarn. All yarns at the "Out The Door Sale" are already discounted to the MAX...
To start...we are going into the third week of this week's Special is "B"...books...From February 20th thru 23rd...15% off any instock book...
Hope you take advantage of these savings...Stop by and Look around...